In my second week of travels, I drove up much of the length of Maine, because in 1960 John Steinbeck was determined to touch the roof of the United States before turning west, and I reckoned you aren’t really fulfilling the mission unless you follow his path.
It’s too early to draw conclusions about the country’s mood, but this is what I have heard in two weeks on the road.
Mt. Katahdin, which translates to “Greatest Mountain” in Penobscot, is the highest mountain in the state of Maine at 5,269 feet.
Just - In - Time Recreation center in Lewiston, Maine
Clay’s visits the recently reopened Just-In-Time recreation center in Lewiston, Maine.
May 9 / John Steinbeck, his dog Charley and his camper rig.
Clay visits John Steinbeck’s Sag Harbor home where the noted author began his 1960 cross-country journey, immortalized in Travels With Charley.