Book cover: Blue Highways: Journey Into America by William Least Heat Moon, first published in 1984.
Originally published is 1982, Clay says William Least Heat Moon’s Blue Highways is still our best backroads manifesto.
Wild horses
There’s horse trouble in Theodore Roosevelt National Park which is home to a feral herd of about 200 equines.
President Roosevelt
Roosevelt was a serious writer and one of America’s great readers — in addition to being the 26th president of the United States, the Governor of New York, Police Commissioner of New York, a U.S. Civil Service Commissioner, and the hero of San Juan Hill. 
American Buffalo film trailer
A video dispatch from my visit to Theodore Roosevelt National Park’s North Unit, where buffalo roam the Great Plains today.
The Little Missouri River from an overlook in North Unit of Theodore National Park, North Dakota. ((Photo by Clay Jenkinson)
I co-led a hike in the North Unit of Theodore Roosevelt National Park recently. There were about a dozen of us. Our goal was a very old cottonwood tree in an obscure corner of the park down by the Little Missouri River. The tree is said to date to 1641.