Lochsa Lodge in Idaho's Bitterroot Mountains and site of Clay's annual hummanites retreats.
Clay reports from his annual humanities retreat near the Montana-Idaho border in the Northern Rockies.
Last stoplight on the interstate highway
The last stoplight on the entire interstate highway system was located in Wallace, Idaho. When the elegant latticework of the I-90 viaduct was completed in 1991, Wallace held a funeral for the last stoplight, now safely protected in the Wallace Mining Museum.
John Steinbeck stumbles into an uneasy father-son relationship during a quiet stopover near Coeur d’Alene.
My daughter Catherine, now living in Great Britain, brought her boyfriend Simon to America for the holidays. He’s French-Swiss.

Down the Salmon: A River Journal

Every summer I lead a cultural tour on the Lewis and Clark Trail in Montana and Idaho. Usually, we canoe through the White Cliffs section of the Missouri for a couple of days, regroup, head west, and then climb up to the ancient Lolo Trail. But occasionally we switch things up by floating the Salmon, the “River of No Return.” This was such a summer.